Articles by Mary Beth Pfeiffer
I began my pandemic reporting after writing a book on mainstream medicine’s failure to recognize or treat chronic Lyme disease. A similarly dogmatic control was exercised over Covid, using costly, toxic drugs and vaccines that were ineffective and harmful. I am now reporting on safe medicines that may cure cancer and other illnesses. They are not used because regulators, medical journals and media are beholden to Big Pharma. I’m in this to change this.
My Articles (Newest First)
March 2, 2025, trial site news and rescue substack
by mary beth pfeiffer
The DMSO Moment: How An Old Medicine Finds New Life
Key doctors share protocols and possibilities— from cold sores to lung disease
February 13, 2025, rescue substack and trial site news
by mary beth pfeiffer
Like Penicillin, ‘Miraculous’ DMSO Could Change the Lives of Afflicted Millions
Rosa Azucena Aguirre received intravenous DMSO after she severed her spinal column in a fall. (From left) Pre- and post-surgery X-rays, and recently taking physical therapy. “What Rosita has achieved now is fantastic because she is independent,” said her husband, Juan Ayala.
January 29, 2025, real clear health
by Dr. pierre kory and mary beth pfeiffer
Fight Knee-Jerk: RFK May Surprise You
America is sick. Kennedy, once named Time’s ‘Hero For The Planet,’ may yet help it heal.
January 13, 2025, rescue and trial site news
December 17, 2024, REALCLEARHEALTH
by dr. pierre kory and mary beth pfeiffer
Let’s Retire Overused Words. First, ‘Misinformation.’
Robert F. Kennedy’s fortunes have gone up despite all attempts to stop him. He is on to something.
COVID’s side effects are still spreading. Why do Trump, Biden run from how they handled it?
An ineffective, harmful and mandated vaccine must be debated in the run-up to an election.
By Mary beth Pfeiffer
Insurance Data Showing the U.S. Excess Death Crisis Slides Behind $10,000 Paywall
An actuarial society's research depicted a huge surge in non-covid deaths in young insured workers. Is it pulling back on sharing its findings
Insured working-age people had the highest above-average death rates, shown in red blocks, in this Society of Actuaries chart. (Source: Society of Actuaries, May 2023)
As Cancers in the Young Rise, the Pandemic Response Must Be Probed
We face a looming threat of young people with cancer abetted by Covid vaccines. Click the links in this article for the science supporting this disturbing possibility.
Princess Catherine is one of many more young adults with cancer
Cancer deaths rose by 2% overall from pre-pandemic 2019 to 2023. But in people 15 to 44 years old, mortality rose at double that, to 4%. This is not normal.
February 2, 2024, trial site news and rescue
Patient Zero Comes Back From Stage Four Cancer: Was it Ivermectin?
In a ground-breaking new study, physicians at five clinics nationwide will test repurposed drugs for cancer.
january 31, 2024, trial site news and rescue
By mary beth pfeiffer
Ivermectin Squares Off in a New War on Cancer
In one of few good pandemic outcomes, physicians who pioneered effective treatments for Covid-19 are putting safe, off-patent drugs to work against cancer. The results are promising—and the process far less painful.
Ask Why 429 Mothers Died in Delta
COVID deaths in pregnancy rose 300 percent during the Delta wave. Blame the toxic combination of vaccination and infection.
Articles, 2023
December 12, 2023, the hill
by dr. pierre kory and mary beth pfeiffer
This Is Bigger Than COVID: Why are so many Americans dying early?
People are dying in abnormally high numbers long since COVID-19 waned. Yet public health agencies and medical societies are silent. This was among The Hill’s most popular articles for several days running.
November 3, 2023, trial site news and rescue by mary beth pfeiffer
This may be a landmark case for those who died when hospitals took government bonus money to give patients dangerous remdesivir while denying life-saving ivermectin.
October 26, 2023, Newsweek
by pierre kory and mary beth pfeiffer
Why Are Death and Disability Rising Among Young Americans?
We need an unbiased, nonpartisan investigation into soaring rates of disability that threaten our economy and continuing waves of early death. People in their prime are inexplicably dying.
september 23, 2023: trial site news and rescue by mary beth pfeiffer
‘Adulterated’ Covid Vaccines Should Be Pulled From The Market: Experts
The presence of DNA fragments, found by researchers in mRNA injections, raises the unsettling prospect that a foreign genetic material will enter and influence vaccinee cells in unpredictable and harmful ways.
Top vaccine experts, gathered at a conference in Rochester, N.Y., said evidence of adulteration in Covid vaccines was reason to stop using them. Photo by Mary Beth Pfeiffer
August 11, 2023, USA Today
By Mary beth Pfeiffer and Pierre Kory
More young Americans are dying—and it’s not COVID. Why aren’t we searching for answers?
Without a thorough and collaborative exploration, we can’t know what’s killing us—or how to stop it.
June 7, 2023, trial site news and rescue by mary beth pfeiffer
A Pfizer shot. A failed heart. A transplant. Get vaxxed again?
John Berndsen was inoculated under “the worst pharmaceutical development in history.” It cost him his heart.
John Berndsen, with his wife Leslie, was 64 when he got a Pfizer vaccine. His heart stopped 14 hours later.
Articles, 2022 (Newest First)
December 28, 2022, rescue and trial site news by mary beth pfeiffer
Two Babies Die. Likely From Their Mothers’ First Trimester Covid Vaccinations.
The grieving mothers of these ‘perfect’ babies ask why an untested vaccine is urged in any stage of pregnancy.
November 28, 2022, Trial site news and rescue by mary beth pfeiffer
Nine months after vaccination campaigns, 110,000 fewer babies were born in Europe. In the U.S., data on births is scarce and few mention the F word: Fertility
The red line between the top chart on vaccination rates in Switzerland, and the bottom chart, on births, shows the nine-month lag between the two trends, which has been seen in other European countries as well.
November 13,2022, rescue and trial site news by mary beth pfeiffer
Deep in The Wombs of Women: The Hidden Harm of Covid Vaccines
Women worldwide are fighting for a medical system they can trust—and their own fertility.
October 23, 2022, trial site news and rescue by mary beth pfeiffer
Exonerated! In France, One Persecuted Doctor Triumphs Over Covid Repression
A tribunal ruled that Dr. Christian Perronne was not only free to criticize official policies, but obliged to.
Some 3,000 people turned out for the hearing of charges against Dr. Christian Perronne, center, on Sept. 13, 2022. All were dismissed. (FranceSoir)
OCTOBER 21, 2022, RESCUE AND TRIAL SITE NEWS by mary beth pfeiffer
Is Geert Right? Let’s Hope Not
Rather than control Covid, vaccines may be worsening it, with disturbing implications.
September 22, 2022, trial site news and rescue by mary beth pfeiffer
FDA to Vax Injured: We Got Nothin’
Twenty leaders in a movement to recognize vaccine injury went to Washington. FDA gave them one hour—in a Zoom call. “Thanks for sharing,” they were told repeatedly.
Vaccine-injured people, top, in a Zoom call with an FDA official in Washington, DC; Victor Castillo Simoes, bottom right, died at 34, sixteen days after vaccination; Maddie de Garay, 14, cannot walk since injected in a vaccine trial in January 2021.
September 12, 2022, trial site news by mary beth pfeiffer
Facebook’s Propaganda Role Turns to Inoculating Babies
Emails between the White House and Facebook show how the social media giant was a conduit in a government-directed campaign to control Covid-19 information and censor debate. The goal: Assure vaccination of virtually every American.
September 4, 2022 Trial site news and rescue by mary beth pfeiffer
People Are Dying. Don’t Ask. Don’t Tell.
Mountain biker Rab Wardell died of cardiac arrest two days after winning Scotland’s cross-country championship. The elite athlete, 37, most certainly fits into the category of the moment: unexplained, early, non-covid death. What’s killing people in the post-pandemia era?
Rab Wardell posted this image on winning Scotland's national biking championship in August 2022. He died two days later at 37. (Instagram)
July 27, 2022 RESCUe and trial site news by mary beth pfeiffer
Before You Vaccinate Your Child, Consider Five Essential Issues
Two years into this pandemic, the need to inoculate children is nil. The questionable benefit, and possible harm, of covid shots likely outweighs any risk of Covid infection.
march 2, 2022 trial site news and rescue by mary beth pfeiffer
Mary Beth Pfeiffer is Banned by Twitter
“Pharma is afraid of ivermectin. It should be.” That’s what got me a lifetime ban from Twitter. In a society that values free speech and debate, this is horrifying. Science supports IVM. Big Pharma and government do not. Why? It gets in the way of vaxxing and profit.
February 9, 2022 rescue and trial site news by mary beth pfeiffer
The Rise of Omicron is the Fall of Vaccines
This news should give hope. Covid is now a mild illness for most, like flu. No fear. No need to vaccinate kids and low-risk groups.
January 25, 2022 rescue and trial site news by mary beth pfeiffer
Portrait of a Corrupt Pandemic: Panel Lambasts U.S. Failures of Care
Corruption led to adoption of a poorly tested vaccine and kept treatments beyond the reach of patients — leading to thousands of deaths.
Protesters hold signs in front of the Lincoln Memorial January 23, 2022 at the Defeat the Mandates rally. Photo by Mary Beth Pfeiffer
january 17, 2022 rescue and Trial Site News by mary beth pfeiffer
A Cross-Section of American Turns Out to Challenge Covid Dictates
By their presence and evident outrage, protesters offered America a different view of Covid.
january 17, 2022 trial site news and rescueby mary beth pfeiffer
The War On Treatment Is Fiercer Than Covid Itself
When I got Covid, I had a back-up plan. Here’s how to get one and why, even with Omicron, it’s needed.
january 15, 2022 rescue and trial site news by mary beth pfeiffer
Mass General Expert Predicts: No Boosters. Normal Life. We Can Move On From Covid.
A leading doctor says Omicron will turn Covid into the “common cold.” Very soon.
JANUARY 4, 2022 RESCUE AND TRIAL SITE NEWS by mary beth pfeiffer
Chilling Pandemic Data From The Insurance Industry
A life insurance company finds an alarming rise in deaths that cannot be explained by the pandemic.
Articles, 2021 (Newest First)
DeCEMBER 23, 2021 Rescue and trial site news by linda bonvie and mary beth pfeiffer
A Myth is Born: How CDC, FDA, and Media Wove a Web of Ivermectin Lies That Outlives The Truth
New Mexico officials admit: Two people died from covid—NOT from ivermectin. Yet the CDC generated the nation's highest health alert and a thousand fake headlines on false cases.
December 14, 2021 Rescue by mary beth pfeiffer
A hospital refused to give a 63-year-old woman the safe, FDA-approved drug shown highly effective against covid even after nothing else worked. Postscript: Kathleen Davies died four days after this article was published. Said her attorney, Ralph Lorigo: “We got there too late.”
November 29, 2021, RESCUE by mary beth pfeiffer
A Father Is Saved By His Daughter And Ivermectin
Nineteen days after five court-ordered ivermectin doses, Sun Ng came home to a joyful family.
November 24, 2021, RESCUE by mary beth pfeiffer
A Judge Stands Up To A Hospital: “Step Aside” And Give A Dying Man Ivermectin
He was given a 10 to 15% chance. Five days of ivermectin and he pulled out his vent tube.
Sun Ng, 71, with his granddaughter, Kaylie, at her first birthday party three weeks before he contracted Covid-19.
NOVEMBER 8, 2021, TRIAL SITE NEWS by mary beth pfeiffer
Don’t Vaccinate Kids: Urgent Message from Doctors’ Summit
Experts said young children will be harmed in an ill-advised rush to vaccinate a population with very little chance of severe infection from the virus.
October 31, 2021, RESCUE by mary beth pfeiffer
Top Doctors Rise Up: “We’re Going to Come and Show People How to End This Pandemic”
Dr. John Littell, a former Army doctor and solo practitioner in northern Florida, organized a summit to address three pressing issues.
October 16, 2021, RESCUE by mary beth pfeiffer and linda bonvie
The Propaganda That Started The Big Lie About Ivermectin.
August 31, 2021, TRIAL SITE NEWS by mary beth pfeiffer
‘Get Sicker’: Anatomy Of A Failed Policy
Suffering, trauma, disability and expense. The terribly typical tale of two COVID patients in the greatest country in the world.
June 16, 2021, TRIAL SITE NEWS by mary beth pfeiffer
They They Denied A Lab Leak At Wuhan. They Are Wrong About Other Things. by mary beth pfeiffer
Wuhan is fair game. Now let’s dash the myth of no early treatment. Hey media: Can we finally talk about — stop censoring — ivermectin?
May 16, 2021, TRIAL SITE NEWS by mary beth pfeiffer
We Will Never Know. Could Deborah Bucko Have Been Saved?
Mount Sinai hospital was ordered twice to give a critically ill woman ivermectin. Twice it stopped after 5 days. She died at 52
May 4, 2021:TRIAL SITE NEWS by mary beth pfeiffer
When Nothing Else Works, Judges Are Siding with Ivermectin
5 judges have said yes. But not everyone can fight the system. What about thousands more who need help?
May 1, 2021:TRIAL SITE NEWS by mary beth pfeiffer
Court Battles Rage To Save Lives. Attorney: ‘Put Hospital Chief in Jail’
Two women fight for their lives, and ivermectin, as courts weigh their fates.
April 23, 2021: Trial Site NeWS by mary beth pfeiffer
We Have A COVID Lifeline. The Powers Won’t Allow It.
Anti-Ivermectin dogma defies the facts and science.
March 22, 2021, TRIAL SITE NEWS by mary beth pfeiffer
Top Yale Doctor/Researcher: ‘Ivermectin works,’ including for long-haul COVID
“We must find a way to distribute it on a large scale.” — Dr. Santin Alessandro
March 1, 2021, TRIAL SITE NEWS by mary beth pfeiffer
The War on ‘Misinformation’ Claims Two Victims. Truth. And the Right to Treatment.
Social media censorship is rampant. Why suppress news that we can treat COVID quickly, safely and effectively?
January 30, 2021, TRIAL SITE NEWS by mary beth pfeiffer
A Letter to NIH and Dr. Anthony Fauci. Is Anybody Home?
The nation’s premier health agency has failed COVID patients, by posting misinformation, failing to fund studies and ignoring important signals.
JANUARY 18, 2021 TRIAL SITE NEWS by mary beth pfeiffer
Not Using Ivermectin, One Year In, Is Unethical And Immoral.
Fifty studies tell us that ivermectin prevents COVID-19 and saves lives. Yet this cheap safe generic is shamefully not being used.
January, 9, 2021 Trial Site News by mary beth pfeiffer
An Unlikely Nation Is Kicking This Pandemic. Guess Which. Then Why.
India is four times the size of the U.S. yet has half the COVID deaths. Early treatment is key.
DeceMber 27, 2020: Trial Site News by mary beth pfeiffer
In Far-Flung Places, COVID-19 Is Being Treated Early And Well. Here’s Why Americans Don’t Know This.
COVID can be prevented and treated early, keeping people out of ICUs and cemeteries.
November 19, 2020: Trial Site News by mary beth pfeiffer
As hospitals fill, doing nothing is no longer an option against COVID-19. This is war.
October 30, 2020: TRIAL SITE NEWS by mary beth pfeiffer
This doctor has COVID. He has a plan. For all of us.
Mine is the first Covid article written on the legendary Dr. Peter McCullough.
October 1, 2020: TRIAL SITE NEWS by mary beth pfeiffer
Ivermectin Could Turn COVID-19 Around. We Need To Find Out If It Works.
August 8, 2020: Mary Beth’s Blog
Science suggests we can prevent COVID — even when our best defenses fail.
Dr. Richard Horowitz has put his Lyme disease expertise to work on COVID.
Sept. 2, 2020: Facebook live
Watch Mary Beth’s interview with Dr. Richard Horowitz on natural ways to fight COVID-19
May 19, 2020: NJ.COM by mary beth pfeiffer
Don’t doubt hydroxychloroquine because Trump is taking it. It may work.
Mar. 31, 2020: NJ.COM by mary beth pfeiffer
COVID-19 patient successfully treated with untested drug in N.J. provides a ray of hope
Mar. 22, 2020: FORBES.COM by mary beth pfeiffer
This Coronavirus Patient Dodged A Bullet With Hydroxychloroquine. Is She A Harbinger Or Outlier?
Margaret Novins, 53, received an emerging treatment for COVID-19 at a Freehold, N.J. hospital. "I feel fortunate," she said.
Mar. 18, 2020: FORBES.COM by mary beth pfeiffer
Researchers Look To Old Drugs For A Possible Coronavirus Treatment – It Might Just Work
Lyme disease articles by MBP, 2017-2019
The U.S. vanquished malaria and AIDS, but Lyme is raging unchecked
Aug. 24, 2019: NJ.COM
Medicine and government have failed to help us battle Lyme disease
Lyme patients are forging path of 1980s AIDS activists. They should be heard.
IDSA lawsuit: Patients may have to undergo independent medical exams
Feb. 25, 2019: LYMEDISEASE.ORG
Patient lawsuit against IDSA and insurers moves forward in Texas
Jan. 25, 2019: Scientific American
When Lyme Disease Strikes an Unborn Child
Sept. 19, 2018: Newark Star Ledger
Lyme disease isn't going away soon. Government should step in
June 24, 2018: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
To fight ticks and their diseases, a “Manhattan Project” will be needed
In the Battle Against Lyme Disease, the Ticks Are Winning
mAY 11, 2018: The globe and Mail
Lyme disease has arrived. Why hasn’t a reliable treatment?
Apr 23, 2018: The daily climate
EXCERPT: How migratory birds are moving Lyme disease
april 9, 2018: Connecticut post
Ticks getting a warmer welcome
April 2, 2018: aeon
10 points about suing the architects of Lyme policy—as a task force meets to review it.
november 2, 2017: HUFFINGTON POST
Lyme bug stronger than antibiotics in animals and test tubes. Now study people.
july 4, 2017: NEWSDAY
The peril of chronic Lyme disease.
March 3, 2017: HUFFINGTON POST
Swedish MD suspended over Lyme disease care; patients bereft.
Flunk the Lyme test? Just wait and get sicker.
September 7, 2016: HUFFINGTON POST
CDC Says Fewer Suffer After Lyme Disease. Doesn’t Say, If Treated Early.
Lyme disease articles
july 24, 2024, trial site news and rescue
by mary beth pfeiffer
True Crime as True Lyme: Tick Bite Leads to Murder-Suicide
One man’s horrific suffering suggests that Lyme disease may affect the brain with devastating results.
A Lyme disease patient with psychiatric manifestations depicted his pain in this painting. He later died by suicide. Photo provided by Dr. Robert Bransfield.
May 6, 2023, Trial Site News and
A Lyme Lawsuit Ends In A Settlement. Does Anybody Win?
April 29, 2023, trial site news and rescue
A Child Can No Longer Walk. Before Covid, There Was Lyme Disease Denial.
Julia Bruzzese had a classic Lyme rash at 10 years old. She wasn’t treated early—or for the next two years. She stopped walking a month before turning 12.
Photo provided
June 26, 2022 Rescue and trial site news
The Heroic Dr. Jones & the Gift of a Boy’s Life
Before Covid, and doctors like Pierre Kory and Peter McCullough, Dr. Charles Ray Jones bucked mainstream dogma on another misunderstood illness: Lyme disease.
Troy Murphy’s health was restored by a heroic Lyme disease doctor, Charles Ray Jones. We need more such physicians.
Photos provided
Mar. 13, 2020: FORBES.COM
Lessons From Lyme Disease: Six Reasons The CDC’s COVID-19 Failure Was Predictable
Minnesota medical board ties the hands of Lyme-treating doctors
Collage by MBP
My TEDX Talk, 2018
2018: Ted X
“A scourge of ticks: Armed, dangerous, global.”
See below for additional Lyme disease articles in Scientific American, Huffington Post, Globe and Mail, and other venues from 2016 to 2019
Major installments in Poughkeepsie Journal Lyme Disease series
“No Small Thing,” 2012-2015
May 31, 2015:
Investigation: Patients' voices stifled.
Sept. 15, 2013:
Doctors Bucking Lyme Protocols
May 19, 2013:
Chronic Lyme disease: Is it real?
December 23, 2012:
Babesiosis and the blood supply: Tiny tick, big threat
December 24, 2012:
October 21, 2012:
Flunking the Lyme disease test: Dicey path to Lyme diagnosis.
August 19, 2012:
Lyme disease: Antibiotics Fuel Debate.
Awards for Lyme reporting
New York State Associated Press: First Place, Public Service: Lyme disease investigation
Judge's comments: “This series — by far the most in-depth with dozens of stories, a public forum and a gorgeous and enlightening special section — is the clear winner. It covers the scourge of Lyme Disease … and also tackles bad medicine and ignorance as key elements of a larger medical health issue. Excellent work all-around . . . This newspaper has truly served its public.”
New York News Publishers Association, First Place Community Service Lyme disease coverage
For the Poughkeepsie Journal, which prompted passage of state law to protect doctors who treat Lyme disease
New York News Publishers Association, First Place, Investigative Reporting: “No Small Thing,” investigation of Lyme disease.
New York News Publishers Association, First Place, Community Service: “No Small Thing,” investigation of Lyme disease.
New York State Associated Press: First Place, Continuing Coverage: Lyme disease investigation.
Society of Professional Journalists Sigma Delta Chi Award, First Place, Investigative Reporting: “No Small Thing,” investigation of Lyme disease.Judges comments: "Excellent series, exhaustively reported. Great example of explanatory journalism on a matter of public health concern using both well-chosen expert sources and ordinary people facing extraordinary circumstances.”
New York City Society of the Silurians, First Place, Community Service: “No Small Thing,” investigation of Lyme disease.
Mary Beth has been honored with more than 100 awards in a long career, including honors for other subjects from the Scripps Howard Foundation (among them the Edward J. Meeman Award for Environmental Reporting), two National Headliner Awards, the Inter America Press Association Award for reporting on Mexican migration, Associated Press Managing Editors Award, the Gannett Company’s Outstanding Achievement by an Individual Award, Sigma Delta Chi Award for Investigative Reporting, New York City Deadline Club Rube Award, Society of the Silurians Investigative Reporting and Public Service Awards, several National Council on Crime and Delinquency PASS awards, and others.